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Kadek is a college student from Bali who attends university in Jogja. He is intelligent; he has voraciously read all politically critical books –from Soe Hok Gie’s Bible to Achmad Wahid— and protests have become a routine activity. He is one in march of critics who agitated for the collapse of Soeharto’s authoritarian regime. And if there is a discussion on social imbalance or the future of the nation, one can see the veins on his neck pulsate as he speaks as if he were delivering a speech at a protest. His idealism cannot be bargained, compromised or negotiated, it is only an unyielding spirit much like the advice of Wiji Tukul, “there is only one word: fight.”

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img_27571.jpgKita memanggilnya Bang Udin, sekali waktu Bang Udin sempat hadir di tengah-tengah kita di taman 65 untuk membeberkan semua ‘gerakkannya’ selama ini di salah satu kampung di Salatiga. Gerakan yang dimaksud (..jangan berpikir yang ngeri-ngeri dulu dech! Ini karena anda sudah terlanjur sepakat bahwa kata gerakan sudah tidak mendapatkan hati di masyarakat apalagi selalu dihadapkan pada kecurigaan-kecurigaan negara…) adalah terobosan dalam dunia pendidikan yang tidak lagi memakai metode warisan ulama-ulama lama pedepokan yang rata-rata cerdas dalam hal penyelewengan dana bos. Apabila model ini diteruskan justru ikut meramaikan deretan lembaga penghambat perkembangan pendidikan anak-anak bangsa.

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When I think about my childhood, I am reminded of my friend and me happily searching for dragonflies around the bank of a river bordering a hill in my village. Although most of my time was spent in the city for schooling, the promise of these moments are what made me enthusiastic about returning to the village. Vast rolling green hills, the melodic singing of the birds, squirrels jumping between the coconut trees, the tricking of the pure river water, and the pounding current of the waterfall all became unforgettable memories or my childhood. Never the less, those days would turn dark and end when my friend and I would here the shouting of our parents, “Time to come home’ it’s already dark, there’s tenget out there!”.

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